Something that no one ever thinks about when it comes to the struggles of being a psychic is the need for body work.
Having a massuer to clean up the scar tissue you’ve developed or to work out an injury, or just to break down that knot that you’ve been developing from the tension of your day job, is vital to anyone’s physical health. And I’m going to tell you that physical health is imperative to sensitives. If you don’t take care of the body that feels everything (and I mean everything), then you can overload your nervous system, creating somatic disorders like fibromyalgia, chronic pain disorders, and ibs, or you can create anxiety or mood disorders.
In other words, I’m constantly preaching about taking care of your body. But what if… what if you require the help from someone else? Like a massuer.
I’m the kind of sensitive that people feel that I am connecting to them, and they hand me their darkness to hold for them. Usually verbally. They will explain something dark (like holding onto hair clippings and ashes from their late husband and stroking them good night before bed) or an internal battle that they can’t seem to manage with everything else. Like going to a therapist, the act of talking to a stranger feel cathartic and like they don’t have to hold it.
BUT that’s not my job when you are supposed to be doing yours! Ok, so I have struggled with finding massuer for three reasons:
1) If they internalize what they work on, I don’t want them. I have the experience and tools to handle the kinds of things that hit my nervous system and consciousness. Someone who does not to pull that stuff out and experience would be traumatic to their system. I’m coming to get my body worked on, not to dump on someone else. That’s irresponsible.
2) They don’t do self care enough. They end up telling me their life story or their darkness, adding to my need to someone in the first place.
3) They just aren’t good? I don’t go for a relaxing massage. When I get body work done, I need them to really beat out the garbage in my body.
So here is the problem. How do you find a body worker that you don’t read when they start touching you?
Oof! Ugh! I don’t know, but when you do, hang on tight. I’ve had two amazing ones over the years. One in Tahoe (yeah, I’d fly to Lake Tahoe just to get my body fixed). And I have one here in Maryland. Unfortunately, my worker in Maryland just left the practice and I have no idea what his last name is to try to find him, again.
Once the pandemic is over, I start the hunt for a body worker all over again. A healthy, non-sensitive body worker.