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Mystic Grimoire: Breathe Like A Shaman

I'm sure you've heard of box breathing, yogic breathing, yin or yang breathing, where you are focused on deep deep breath. I thought it important to talk through shamanic breathing and why it is so different.

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Self-paced Collection

Hand delivered witchcraft

Remember Bedknobs and Broomsticks?  Professor Browne's Correspondence School of Witchcraft?  Well, we can be that for you.  We will handpick a random course from our self-paced courses for you to have access to each month (a $50 value) and you will have access to our online Book of Spells (the Mystic Grimoire).  We are offering this for $32.99 per month.  This subscription is better than that app you've subscribed to, isn't it, Miss Price?


Online Class
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